Friday, August 13, 2010

Personal Trainers as Beachbody Coaches - The Perfect Combination

Recently, I was talking to a fellow Beachbody Coach who is also a personal trainer. This intrigued me, because I just never thought that the two things would work together. Man.... she proved me wrong. Here's her quote on how she uses both jobs together to create life-long clients:

"Hi Paul!
I have 1 PT that is a coach (not in TX) and I am a coach. I started in May and its added several hundred dolars to my PT business alone already. Theres SO MANY ways to use it.
Are you a PT? -
These are just some of the endless ways to use it:
1: In my initial meeting and intro packet I talk about PT (usually 2x aweek) but that they must get on a home program as well. Then I introduce BB and why I became a Coach as a resource for my clients...
2: I deduct the cost of any BB program they get from their total PT training fee if they do it within the first 30 days (and I remind them weekly). So other than shipping the really get a FREE program. Most of my clienst dont exercise so I direct them to 10 Minute Trainers, Power Half HR etc...

3: I give free programs away as monthly contest gifts- I set up their Team BB WOWY free acct and just bill it to myself- but deliver it to them

4: I have nearly everything by BB so I let my clients check out DVDs to view at home - a Try Before You Buy option

5: I give every clients LOTS of Shakeology Samples - direct them to drink them after PT sessions. I do for about 3 weeks (thats 4-6 samples) - Then they get hooked and go on HD Shakeology.

6: I have always kept in constant email contact with my prospects-former clients -clients. I do a monthly "Featured Program"- I give overviews, my thoughts about who its perfect for and the like. I have converted 3 year old prospects who never started PT into BB customers.

7: When I have a client that is just amazing in attitude & results I have always talked about them becoming PTs..Now its a natural segway to talk about them becoming coaches.... planting seeds everywhere."

I am now working on becoming a PT because I see that the two roles are really a perfect fit together. She went on in a future email to say:

" a little side/personal note. I am 47 and was in stellar shape & health - in Dec of 2009 I was diagnosed with sudden onset Rheamatoid Arthritis that struck my hands. It was a wakeup call for me...What if life dealt me a situation where I could no longer do what I was doing for income? SCARED ME TO DEATH! I had been playing with the idea of BB Coaching for 6 years or more... It was that diagnosis that made me take the plunge. I wish I had done it 6 years ago! LOL ... Anyway- I guess my point is this: Everyone needs a plan B. For me it was a medical thing- it could have been a car accident or having to suddenly relocate with my husband- whatever- I think we ALL need a Plan B.
Much success to you in your life- let me know if you want help with a Plan B."

That brought up a good point. Not just for PTs, but for everyone.... if something happened to you that caused you to not be able to work, what is YOUR plan B? It's so easy to become a coach for Beachbody. It's a business, it does take some work, but with proven products like P90X, Turbo Jam, Shakeology, and many more, you can make this in to your financial safety net.

For more information about Team Beachbody and becoming a coach, please visit

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