Friday, August 6, 2010

A Great Support Tool

We all know that exercise and nutrition are key essentials to the success of increasing your level of fitness. Let's not forget another key component and that is SUPPORT. This support could come in the form of moral support from friends and family. It could also be tools that provide support in your journey. Today I want to go over the basics of one of the best support tools out there and that is the FREE website from Beachbody.

Just like most websites available today, the first step is to set up your account. To do that head to and click on Join.

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From there, a pop up window will appear, showing you the difference between the free membership and the club membership. For this example, we are going to select the free membership. Scroll down in the pop up window and click on, "Try Free Membership"

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The next section is where you put in the required information needed to set up your account. Notice that they do not even ask you for a credit card number. Why? Because it's FREE! Fill out your information and click on "Submit"

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Congratulations! You now have your very own free account at The first thing to do is to fill out your profile. To get started with that, click on "Edit Profile."

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As you can see, there are many areas of your profile that you have the option of filling in. I recommend filling out everything, but in this example we are going to look at two important areas. The first one is Fitness Programs. If you haven't decided which program to do yet, that is perfectly fine. You can skip this step and come back to it later.

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The programs section is where you list which Beachbody programs you are using and which is your primary program. You can also select what type of equipment and nutritional items you are using. In this example, we are going to select that we are doing P90X. Make sure you scroll to the very bottom of the screen and click on Save.

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Now we are going to set up our Progress and Goals section. On the left side of the screen, click on "Progress and Goals." The first thing to select is your Overall Goal. Select your goal from the drop down menu. You can also put in your start date as well as your transformation story. Click Save.

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Scroll down to the Body Measurement section. Your starting measurements should be taken the day before or the day you start any fitness program. Notice that weight is one of the measurements, but it is not the ONLY measurement. I've said it before and I'll say it many times again... The scale is not your friend. Do not measure your progress my pounds. Measure it in inches and body fat %. Once you are done putting in your starting measurements and projected goals, click Submit.
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As you can see, you will be able to add entries as you progress through your program. You can do these weekly, monthly, or whenever you want to.

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As you enter in your progress, you will be able to see how close you are to reaching your goals. On the top right of your screen there is a progress bar. As you get closer to your goal, a green bar will fill the empty space and you will also be given your % to goal.

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Now on to the WOWY SuperGym. This tool is GREAT! I love it, I use it every day, and I LOVE IT! This is the easiest way to keep track of how hard you've worked in the past and what workouts are coming up in the future. To get there, click on the Get Fit tab at the top then WOWY SuperGym on the side.

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You have the option to manually enter any type of workout you do such as go for a run, go swimming, etc. One of the great features this has is the auto schedule feature. If you are doing a Beachbody workout program, this will automatically fill up your calendar with which workouts to do every day. Click on the Auto Schedule link on the left side of the screen.

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Remember when, on our profile, we selected which programs we were doing? This is one of the main reasons that we did. You will only see options to auto fill the calendar for programs that you said you were doing. In this case we are doing P90X and we are going to select the Classic version of the schedule.

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Now we just have to put in the day we are going to start working out and the time of day we will be doing our workouts and click on Auto-Schedule Workouts. Then, in the pop-up window, select "Back to SuperGym."

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Now, when you log in to this site, you can come to the SuperGym and see which workouts are planned for the day. When you are ready to workout, just click on Start Now and go do your workout. The calendar will keep track of how many workouts you have done each month.

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The last thing I want to talk about is the message boards. I have truly saved the best for last. Go to your Connect Tab (on the top of the screen), then click on Message Boards.

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From here, you can see that there are tons of categories containing thousands and thousand of posts. You can get information about programs, nutrition tips, find workout partners, and so much more. Let's take a look at the P90X message boards. Click on Programs.

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Now click on P90X.

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One thing you'll notice in this message board is that people are starting up posts for P90X workout groups. This was where I found my group and it has been great. This is where you'll get tons of moral support from people who are going through the same struggles as you. You'll find that you have some questions that they have answers to and they'll have questions that you have answers to.

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Take the time to explore all of the amazing features that this website has to offer. Once you log out, you can return to your site, by heading to and logging in. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at

For more information about Team Beachbody and to sign up for your free website access, please visit

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