Friday, August 27, 2010

Fad Diets

It seems like everyday there is a new diet plan. These fads sometimes come and go quickly while others stay around for years and years. There is always a new guru or doctor telling us how to lose weight quickly, or long term and coming up with some revelation that will melt the fat away. In reality there are few unique meal plans in the weight loss world. Most are really just variations of an old idea and yet we are fascinated with the latest and greatest. The United States, in general, is obsessed with being skinny and this really fuels the fire for the endless barrage of eating programs.

Also, it is interesting how the word diet has really got a negative connotation to it, when in reality the basic meaning of the word diet is not about weight loss and as taken from Webster's dictionary is, food and drink regularly provided or consumed and habitual nourishment. So, it is basically what one eats daily. Also, the word seems to be synonymous with temporary, like something you do just to lose weight and then stop at some point, and this is where most fail, instead of changing their habits forever.

The effect of the constant flow of new weight loss programs is that people keep jumping on these bandwagons trying many and never succeeding with one. Yo-yo dieting is a term that refers to this phenomenon. Some experts say that going from one to another is actually worse than just not dieting at all. First, it is self defeating and really does nothing for self esteem to fail over and over again and most important it is not leading to a healthy lifestyle and a fundamental change in how we view and relate with food, which is the basis of long term success. Yes, indeed it is true that changing our mental and emotional association with food and how we eat is the most important predictor of long term healthy body weight.

There are two types of people, one that eats to live and the other that lives to eat. This is the core problem of the overweight and that is what needs to be addressed in order to maintain a healthy body image and sustained success in ones diet.

Individual eating plans are usually recommended so to match the personality of the person. But, in the end the best diet of all time is one that incorporates a variety of nutritious foods and regular exercise. The key to success is to choose the plan that best fits your tastes and habits and then do not look at it as temporary, but instead envision a life long eating habit change that will facilitate a life long fit body and mind.

This is why I love the programs offered by a company called Beachbody. Their programs include a top of the line exercise program (like P90X, Insanity, Turbo Jam, etc), a complete nutritional plan, support from an entire website community, and a personal coach to help you maximize your results.

For more information about Team Beachbody, please visit

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