Saturday, July 24, 2010

Week 5 of P90X

This was the first week of Phase 2 in my P90X journey. It felt like week 1 all over again. I was SORE! I loved the 2 new workout routines that get thrown in the mix (Chest, Shoulders & Triceps as well as Back and Biceps). Who knew that there were so many variations to push ups and pull ups. The thing I love about this program is that it's set up so that almost anyone can do it. Every move has a modification and you are encouraged to go at your own pace!

Today (for "fun"), I decided to join my wife on her Power 90 cardio workout. Power 90, may not be as intense as P90X (It's the beginner version of P90X), but it still gave me a workout. The fun part came in the fact that we also did my P90X Kenpo workout. Double cardio workout days are exhausting, but definately rewarding. I never knew it was possible to feel totally gassed, but great at the same time.

On a side note, one of the people that I coach started Turbo Jam this week. Turbo Jam is a beginner level cardio workout program that I always thought looked like it would be really fun to do. She confirmed my belief. She came up to me on Friday and was so excited. Her kids, including her 5 year old, even joined in and had a blast. She said that it was so much fun that she didn't realize that she was working out until they were done and she was breathing heavy and drenched with sweat. As a bonus to her, all of the kids took a REALLY good nap that day.

It just goes to show that no matter what your fitness level or workout style is, there is a program for you at Beachbody.

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