Wednesday, July 28, 2010

5 Myths About Fitness

I found a news report about the 5 myths of fitness that I really wanted to share. The news report can be watched here:

I want to take the time to go over the five myths and break them down a bit more than the report did.

MYTH ONE - Cardio is the only way to slim down

This is one of the biggest misconceptions in fitness. Cardio is great. You're moving, you're getting your heart rate up, but if you are only doing cardio, you are missing out on the big picture. I have already posted about how using weight training will increase your fat loss faster than cardio. The key to slimming down is to include cardio, weight training, yoga, stretching, and healthy eating habits. Combining these will give you the best (and fastest) results.

MYTH TWO - Fancy machines are a must

Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong! You don't need fancy machines at all. The hardest exercises are usually the ones that use your own body weight as resistance. There are even some workout programs that don't use anything other than your own body. For example, check this out:

Put the results people get from this workout up against ones from some fancy equipment that you see in the gyms.

MYTH THREE - If you workout, you can eat what you want

Wait.... what? Live by this simple rule, "garbage in = garbage out." If you eat like crap, your results are going to be crap. This includes not eating enough. Start thinking of food as fuel for your body. You want to put in the premium grade fuel so that you get the most mileage out of what you eat. You also NEVER want to run out of this fuel. Not eating enough will put your body into panic mode and it will start breaking down.

To figure out what kind of foods to eat and how many calories your body needs, you could visit an expensive nutritionist. The other option is to follow the nutrition guide that comes with any of the Beachbody workout plans. There is also a meal planner available when you sign up for their website through

MYTH FOUR - You can improve certain parts of your body, or "spot train"

You can't pick and choose where to lose fat. You can't just tell your body, "HEY! Those calories you are burning... yeah, just take it off my thighs. Thank you!" It just doesn't work that way.

The reason people think that they can spot train is because they see programs like Brazilian Butt Lift and Hip Hop Abs and think that they are only working one area of the body. Sorry for the confusion, but you are working the whole body. You will be losing fat from everywhere. The difference with these programs is where they decide to focus on building lean muscle. While you are working your whole body, these programs have been designed to have you use a specific part of your body in every move you do. For example, a push up may be modified so that it is not only working your chest, but also your abs. The P90X Core Synergetics routine is really good at doing things like this.

MYTH FIVE - Lifting weights will make you bulky

This depends on how you lift them.... or I should say, how many times you lift them. Each time you are doing an exercise involving weights, you have two options. You can pick a weight that will let you struggle to get 8-10 reps or one that will let you struggle to get 12-15 reps. 8-10 reps is going to give you size. This is where the bulk comes in.

If you don't want the bulk and are just looking to tone, then pick a weight that let's you feel the burn at 12-15 reps. This will help you pack on lean muscle which will also help raise your resting metabolism rate. Keep in mind that you may bulk up a little at first, but this is because the fat has not burned away yet. Keep going with it and you will love the way you look.

For more information about Team Beachbody, please visit

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