Monday, July 19, 2010

P90X Phase 1 done! On to Phase 2

My first 28 days of P90X are in the books (figuratively and literally). Between the workouts and the nutritional program, I have already seen some really good results. I am down 18 pounds and 3 inches off my gut. This program WORKS! It wasn't easy. I had to really put some sweat, hard work, sweat, determination, sweat, and sweat into it. Did I mention that I sweat A LOT during this? Here's the basic rundown of the workouts during Phase 1 and what I thought of them:

Chest and Back - Push ups and pull ups. Basic, yet VERY effective. I loved the dive bomber push ups. A new twist on a classic.

Plyometrics - One word - INTENSE! I have never been so out of breath in my life. Got through it, but may have worn out my pause button.

Shoulders and Arms - Love, love, love this workout. Really got a good burn going on this one. I love the fact that, unlike being in a gym, you don't have to let your ego get in the way of good form. If you need to do 5 pound weights on some of the exercises, who cares? You're working out in your house!

Yoga - Pain followed by pleasure. The first 45 minutes is intense and will really test your strength, flexibility and will power. If you are new to Yoga, I HIGHLY recommend a Yoga Block. After the moving portion, you go into the balance postures. These are not easy, but every time I did them, I got better. The stretching at the end is where the pleasure comes in. This is what will make your body love you. The Yoga Abs is what will make your body hate you LOL.

Legs and Back - WOW! My legs were sore after this one. There were some really creative and fun exercises though, like the "Groucho Walk"

Kenpo - FUN FUN FUN FUN! Then when it's over, you are drenched with sweat and exhausted and you have no idea how you got there.

Rest or Stretch - I HIGHLY recommend the stretch. Your body will thank you over and over and over again!

Core Synergistics - Hello Core! There are some really fun exercises on this one too as well as some really creative push up styles that help you really work your core. Had a lot of fun with this one.

Ab Ripper X - Saved the best for last. I call it Ab Destroyer X. The first time I did it, it took me a good 10 minutes to get up from the floor. No situps or crunches, this is HARDCORE ab work.

Overall, if you are looking for a total body workout that WILL get you in the best shape of your life, I would definately recommend P90X. It's hard, it's fun, and IT WORKS!

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