Friday, July 23, 2010

Eating Healthy - NO MORE EXCUSES

There are three top reasons I hear all the time for people not eating healthy. Number 1 is that the food doesn't taste good. Secondly is the cost. Most people think that going to McDonalds and getting a value meal is cheaper than eating healthy. The third reason is that they "don't have time to cook." Let's look at each of these seperately and pick them apart so that they no longer hold you back.

1) THE FOOD DOESN'T TASTE GOOD - This is just plain myth. When people think of eating healthy, they are thinking about eating dry salads, raw eggs, and flavorless food. This is the preconceived notion that I had as well until I started following some recipes on the Beachbody website. I'll give you an example of one of the recipes here:

Spicy Asian Salmon with Wasabi Cream

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Total Time: 25 minutes

Cook Time: 15 minutes


* 2 tablespoons cilantro, fresh

* 8 2/3 ounces salmon, raw

* 1 1/3 teaspoons sesame oil

* 1 1/4 teaspoons lime juice

* 1/8 teaspoon hot pepper sauce

* 1/4 teaspoon Dijon mustard

* 1/4 teaspoon wasabi, dried

* 2 tablespoons yogurt, plain, whole milk


Preheat oven to 400°F. Press the cilantro onto one side of the fillet. Heat oil in an oven-proof skillet over high heat. When the skillet is hot, add the fish, cilantro side up. Allow the fish to sear until the underside is brown, about 1 minute. Transfer the skillet to the oven and bake for 4 to 5 minutes, or until fish flakes easily with a fork. Whisk together the lime juice, hot sauce, and mustard. Set aside. Combine the wasabi powder with 2 1/4 tsp. of water until smooth. Stir in the yogurt. Spoon the lime juice mixture onto a serving plate, spreading to cover the area the size of the salmon fillet. Top with halibut and wasabi cream.

Easy to prep and cook AND it tastes amazing. This is only one of hundreds of recipes available. Are you going to like everything? Probably not, but chances are, you don't like everything on the fast food menus either.

2) It costs too much to eat healthy - I will agree that stocking up on some of the herbs and spices are a little expensive at first, but once you have them, it's not bad at all. My average meal for 3 now costs about 8 - 15 dollars depending on the meal. Here's the other option that I LOVE... Shakeology. This is the healthiest meal of the day and the cost is 4 dollars a day. The best part is that it tastes like a desert. I add peanut butter to mine and it's like I'm drinking a Reeces Peanut Butter Cup. Check out what doctors are saying about it HERE

3) I don't have time to cook - Even the recipe that I posted above only takes 30 minutes, but if you are really on a tight crunch, there are other options. Shakeology is the first. This takes 30 seconds to 2 minutes to prepare (depending on if you use a blender or just shake it up). The other option is just making small adjustments to making your quick meals healthier. Here's an example of what I mean. Let's take your typical sandwich. Now, let's put it on whole wheat instead of white bread. Get rid of the mayo and add mustard (or what I do is add Pico de Gullo and balsamic vinegar). Make sure the meat you are using is a low fat meat such as turkey or chicken. Done!

There are plenty of quick tips and recipes available at the Beachbody website. Here's what I recommend:

1. Get on Shakeology. Like I said, it's the healthiest meal of the day, it's cheap (4 dollars per day), and it's FAST.

2. Join the Beachbody website as a club member. The cost is about 12 dollars per month, but it also gives you a 10% discount on Shakeology, which is 12 dollars per month savings, so it just about equals out. This membership is what gives you access to not only the recipes, but video cooking tips, and a complete meal planner. You can join up as a member HERE

That's all for today, but if you have any questions, please feel free to comment on this blog, contact me on my website, or email me directly at Thanks and have a healthy day!

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