Saturday, April 16, 2011

Asylum Day 2

Yesterday was Day 2 of Asylum. This was the Strength workout. From the moment I started the warm-up, I knew that I was in for a VERY tough workout. The quote from Shaun T that I loved was, "I know you're like 'Shaun T, this is the warm up?!?' I'll say it again... I am not playing wit you today!" With Asylum, it is ALL business (but still fun)

There were three basic areas that were focused on during this workout, shoulders, back, and chest. Even though these were the three focus areas, Shaun T made sure to hit everything. Each area went through 3 progressions of a variety of exercises. Each time you went to the next progression, it got harder. "The workout doesn't start until you are tired!"

Another thing I loved about this workout is that if you aren't ready for pul ups, he gives you an alternate exercise to do with dumbbells. I needed to go to the dumbells for most of the pull up routines.

The one downsside is that I really can't use my adjustable weights for this routine. Many times you are doing plank position exercises and push-ups with the dumbbells still in your hands. That's great except for the fact that my dumbbells are round. Guess I'll be heading to Walmart next week and getting some fixed dumbbells.

Another Asylum workout done and another sweat bath. Even though it was strength training, I still got my calorie burn in as well. I can't wait to do this one again, so that I can see how I improve now that I am more familiar with the form.

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