Wednesday, October 6, 2010

What is a coach?

When I tell people that I am a Beachbody Coach, the most common response I get is, "What does a coach do?" Too many people think that I am a sales person for Beachbody. I'm not. I've been in sales before and, even though I was good at it, I didn't like the feeling it gave me.

Being in sales is all about convincing people to spend money that they may or may not have on crap that they don't really need. I worked at Best Buy a few years ago. Some of our training was about how to overcome the objection of "I can't afford this." Our job was to convince them to open up a credit card and go further in debt just to get a bigger television, video game system, surround sound, or whatever else we happen to be selling that day.

Being a Beachbody Coach is NOT about selling. What coaches do is provide people with information about fitness as well as the opportunity to become a coach and make money. After they get the information, we help answer any questions that they may have. It is not a coaches job to pursuade someone to do something. People have to want to get physically fit and/or financially free for their own reasons. If people start to do something for my reasons, they will get discouraged and quit.

Do I want everyone to become physically fit and healthy? YES! Can I force someone to do it? No. I do share information about health, fitness, and weight loss in an attempt to show people the importance of being healthy. People have to decide to take that first step on their own for their own reasons. Once they do that, I can help them.

If you've already started your journey towards a healthier lifestyle, what is your "why"? What is it that made you decide that it was time to get started? If you haven't started, I hope that this video can help you make that decision today:

The same can be said for sharing the coaching opportunity. My job is not to convince people that they have to do it. This is a decision that people need to make on their own. Is this the right time for you to start your own business and make some extra money? Would you do it to earn a little extra spending cash, build a business and be a stay at home mom/dad, buy that new car you've been thinking about? Whatever your reason is needs to be YOUR reason. Just like getting physically fit, my job is to share the information and answer any questions you may have.

Even if you are one of those people who never thoght about starting their own business, I would encourage you to watch these videos. They say that the best things in life happen when you least expect them. Here you go:

If you have any questions about fitness programs or the coaching opportunity, please feel free to send me an email so that we can set up a time to talk. My email is

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